Extraction with half PVC pipes

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Through this screen you can estimate the productivity and work time unit of the extraction system with half PVC pipes, under the operating conditions of the plot in question. At calculation procedure you can access through the Scrolling menu of the forestry management, select the sixth items, that is "extraction with half PVC pipes."


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The calculation of productivity and work time is based on bibliographic data reporting unit values ​​for the assembly and disassembly of the line in relation to its length and productivity in the extraction whereas the wood was pre-concentrated or not, along the linee of extractions.

The calculation procedure provides you to enter the following parameters for the calculation of productivity and work time.


Timber volume: expressed in m3, you can choose values ​​between 10 and 190 (with intervals of 10 units).
Number of lines: Particular emphasis must be taken in determining the number of lines be built whereas should be used spacing of 20 m in interventions of coppicing and spacing of 50 m in the thinnings You can choose values ​​between 1 and 10 (with intervals of one unit).
Cable line lenght: you can choose values ​​between 70 and 240 (with intervals of one unit).
Timber extracted and stacked: you must indicate if the timber is pre-concentred or not along the lines of extraction.
Slope> 35%: you can indicate whether or not this slope is true, whereas at date of productivity that you get, is applied a correction factor of 1.5 if the slope exceeds 35%, this is because you have to built the line crosswise the line of maximum slope, factor that increases the difficulties.


The possibility to calculate productivity and time to work through the button ELABORA is activated only when all required parameters are entered. If not shown on screen, the data is missing and then you could insert them.