Insert logistics operations

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Through the Scrolling menu of the farm managementselecting the ninth entry, or "Logistics operations", you will enter the logistics operations management of the farm.

tog_minus        farm logistics operations



Simply click on the symbol Pencil16you can change the information on the operation.

The program also allows, through the symbol X_Cross_R_16, to delete a task.


Modify a present operation or creating a new one you enter in this page:


tog_minus        new operation



This section requires the following values:


Type of product transported and culture of origin;
type of operation and equipment used;
amount of product transported and units;
amount transported on a trip;
Time of loading/unloading and transport;
reminders or notes for any particular characteristics of the activities.


There is also the possibility of duplicating the logistics operation for another crop of the farm, so as to simplify the possible inclusion of similar values.

Once chosen and quantified values ​​required by this form, the information is stored by simply pressing the button SAVE.


TIPS: Notice that crop, operation kind, and machinery used are deliberately constrained values, that is strictly dependent on the data entered in the previous sections. You will not be possible to use machines which have not been registered in the previous section.


You can also add the field group through the "Crops":

tog_minus        insert field groups



Then, you can proceed to the combine the operation with the field group by pressing the button "insert fieldgroup".